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The Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of São Paulo

Marinho’s group has been investigating the molecular and cellular components of innate and acquired immunity, which contribute to the development of placental malaria in pregnant women. These studies may unveil pharmacological targets to promote the fetal viability and protection mechanisms valuable in abortion and stillbirth prevention. The translation of this research will benefit from the availability of collections of the human placenta from Amazonia, as well as studies of cohorts with pregnant women conducted by our group in an endemic area for malaria in Brazil.

Research Team
Sabrina Epiphanio
Phone: +55 (11) 3091-3663
Group Leader - FCF/USP
Rodrigo Medeiros de Souza
Phone: +55 (68) 3311-2500
Group Leader - UFAC/Acre
Jamille Dombrowski
Phone: +55 (11) 3091-7989
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Ongoing Research Projects
Malaria-induced inflammation: a novel pathway for cardiovascular disease
3/2023 to 2/2025 - FAPESP 2022/13150-0
I-GAME: Integrated Genomics and AI as a tool for Malaria Elimination in Brazil
2/2025 to 1/2028 - FAPESP 2024/10186-9
For more information about ongoing projects, see:
Research Areas

We are studying how cells of the immune system respond to malaria parasites in humans and in mice, yielding findings that will contribute to improving understanding of malaria physiopathology.
Working in partnership with researchers from the Federal University of Acre, located in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre), we are studying malaria prevention and finding out how pregnant women and young children develop protective immunity against Plasmodium. The overriding goal of our studies is to contribute to the global effort to control and eliminate malaria permanently.

Todos os vídeos

Contact Us
Claudio R. F. Marinho
Department of Parasitology - ICB II / USP
Av. Prof Lineu Prestes, 1374
São Paulo (SP) - Brasil - 05508-900
Phone: +55 (11) 3091-7989 / 3091-7209
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